Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Disasters In America After Burning Of Quran

After the controversial stunt by Rev. Terry Jones and the deceptive sympathy of President Barack Obama to muslim, assuring quran will not burn on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 which was on Saturday.

The quran was burn by a idiot teabagger in the middle of NYC.

For more than a month Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida plans to host "Burn a Quran Day" to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The pastor, columnist of the book "Islam is of the Devil," is applying the burning to encourage American Christians to "stand up" to what he convey as a monolithic Muslim threat. For this controversial stunt a page was created on facebook as "Facebook Celebrate Everybody Burn Quran Day" and invite thousands to mail him Qurans to burn.

It’s doesn’t seem to understand why the social networking sites like facebook are influencing this type of stunt on their website. The purpose for creating this website is to bring the all us to closer and understand the values of each people. By doing this it has now hurt the sentiment of the respective religion. After this any one can create a page and hurt the sentiments of other religion like Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity etc. By this kind of controversial stunt done for the other communities and religion will effect facebook by banning it through the respective communities and religion.

In the past and recent years disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, lahars (volcanic mudslides), avalanches, sinkholes, blizzards, landslides, hailstorms, heat waves, drought, typhoons, Ice Ages, tornadoes, tropical storms, wildfires and hurricane katrina were effected on the respective parts of the world by performing this types of activities like burning holy books of the respective religion.

It is high time to get worry, after the activities like burning of quran will effects disasters in America and other parts of the world who have supported it.

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